Thursday, December 2, 2010

Don't Buy PLASTIC Pregnancy Belly Rings

There are a lot of people advertising "plastic" flexible belly rings.  Originally, the word plastic meant acrylic bars.  Before Bioplast and PTFE, these were the only flexible options out there. Some manufacturers still sell them.  They are not as safe as the modern alternatives. They are also not as flexible and comfortable.   If you see the word "plastic" on a body jewelry item, you should question exactly what kind of material they are referring to.  If they say it is acrylic, don't bother with it, especially during pregnancy.  It is ok if the balls or ends are made of acrylic, but not the material going through your piercing.

Another concern is that Bioplast and "bioplastic" and "bioflex" are not the same thing.  I actually had to question one of my suppliers offering "bio" product, as I had assumed they were the same material.  They had to admit they were acrylic!  The thing is, there are other sellers using these manufacturers and they are NOT asking...they are ASSUMING they are getting genuine bioplast.

PTFE is another very "flexible" term....ha ha...pardon the pun.   PTFE can be hollow, or solid, white, clear or colored.  The clearer the better, as in more flexible and comfortable. It is.  Hollow bars are considered "internal" meaning the ends slide in. Solid bars are like regular belly rings, the balls twist on, and you can even use the balls from your regular belly rings on these types of bars. 

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